PowerDVD 7
Bilgisayarınızda film, dizi, belgesel gibi yapıtların izlenmesi için dünya üzerinde en çok tercih edilen DVD, VCD ve diğer medya oynatıcısı PowerDVD en yeni sürümüyle karşınızda. Video formatlarının tamamına destek veren bir medya oynatıcısı olan PowerDVD MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) gibi en yeni video formatlarına desteğinin yanı sıra DTS 96/24, Dolby Digital EX gibi profesyonel ses teknolojilerine verdiği destek ile medya oynatıcıları arasındaki yerini en üstte tutmaya devam ediyor. PowerDVD film izleme deneyimlerinizi dışarıyada taşımanız için esnek taşınabilir medya özellikleriyle size hareket halindeykende hizmet sunuyor.
"See-It-All" özelliği ile film oynatımını hızlandırırken piliniz bitmeden filmin tamamlamanıza olanak tanıyor. Hatta bataryanız bittikten sonra kendi içerisindeki güç koruma paketi ile biraz daha film keyfi yaşamanızı sağlıyor.
PowerDVD 7 farklı 5 tane gösterim modu sunuyor:
Dock - Paneli yeniden boyutlandırarak ekranın alt kısmına yerleştiriyor.Mini - Görev çubuğundaki ikon üzerinden kontrollere ulaşmanıza olanak tanıyor.Wheel Control - Boş alan kazandırmaya yönelik disk kontrolü esaslı dizaynFull screen - Gösterim modunu maksimuma çıkaran tam ekran moduPlayer - Farklı renk seçenekleriyle yarısaydam, gezici panel
CyberLink PowerDVD aynı zamanda skin desteğide bulunduruyor. Program için hazırlanmış 100'lerce skini kullanıcı arayüzü bölümünden indirebilir ve kendi medya oynatıcınıza uygulayabilirsiniz.
Sun Java System ve Mozilla işbirliği ile 2006 yılında çıkarılan bir proje olan Lightning ile küçük ama çok etkili bir ajanda sahibi olacaksınız. Thunderbird uyumluluğu sayesinde her türlü notlarınızı alabileceğiniz oldukça kolay ve güzel bir yazılım...* Kullanım kolaylığı. Mail adresi ile senkronize çalışır.* Takvimleri birlikte kullanabilme.* Günün 24 saatini de programlayabilme özelliği.* Ayarladığınız saati şaşırmadan sizi alarmıyla uyarır.* Mobil cihazlar ile senkronizedir.Sun Java System Calendar Server entegrasyonuna sahip bu eklenti ile Thunderbird uygulamanızda not tutmak ve bu notları tarihlere göre düzenlemek artık çok kolay...tıklayınız.
FadeToBlack 2.3FadeToBlack AVI Video Editor programı AVI Video dosyalarınızı kullanımı kolay sade arayüzü ile hızlı bir şekilde birleştirmenize, ayırmanıza, kesmenize, renklerini modifiye etmenize, görüntülerin yönünü değiştirmenize ve blur eklemenize olanak tanıyan bir video düzenleme yazılımı.Sadece AVI dosyaları ile işlem yapabildiğiniz bu programın en kötü tarafıda sadece tek bir format desteklemesi. JPEG ve BMP resim ve fotoğraflarınızıda videolarınıza ekleyip çıkartabildiğiniz bu programda tek bir AVI dosyasını düzenlemek yada çok sayıda video üzerinde işlemler yapmak hılzı ve kolay.Sadece birkaç tıklama ile istediğiniz düzenlemeleri yapabileceğiniz bu program ile kendi videolarınızı istediğiniz şekilde düzenleyebilecek, dönüştürebilecek ve oynatabileceksiniz. Blur efekti ile videolarda istediğiniz kısımları dağıtırken, görüntülerdeki renkleri değiştirerek farklı bir hava yaratabileceksiniz.Program en çok AVI dosyaları ile ilgilenen ev kullanıcıları için çok kullanışlı bir program olarak nitelendirilebilir.DOWNLOAD
Poster Forge 1.01.03
Fotoğraflarınızı bir postere dönüştürmek istemez misiniz? Bu program ile artık tüm fotoğraflarınızı bir kaç dakikada postere dönüştürebilirsiniz. Çok fazla özelliği olmayan bir program olmamasına rağmen yine de oldukça işinize yarayabilir. Özellikle eğlenceli posterler hazırlamak isteyen kullanıcılar için bir kaç tıklama ile anında bir poster hazırlama imkanı sunan bu ücretsiz program ile artık diğer resim editörleri ile poster hazırlamaya çalışma derdine son.
Oldukça eğlenceli posterler hazırlayabileceğiniz bu program ile isterseniz vahşi batı filmlerinden tanışık olduğumuz "Wanted/Aranıyor" afişlerine de sevdiklerimizin yada kendimizin fotoğraflarını koyarak arkadaşlarımızı eğlendirebiliriz.
Program oldukça küçük, kolay kullanılabilir ve ücretsizdir.
Ad-Aware Defination File'ın en son çıkan trojan, spy ve adware'lere karşı güncellediği paket olan bu dosya ile bilgisayarınızı Ad-Aware ile en güncel tehditlere karşı savunabileceksiniz. Bu dosyanın kurulumu son derece kolay Ad-Aware klasörüne atmanız yeterli olacaktır. Bu işlemi yapmak istemiyorsanız yüklü Ad-Aware yazılımınızın güncelleme bölümündende yapabilirsiniz.
Bu ek güncelleme paketi Ad-Aware programının sisteminizde yüklü olmasına gerek duyar.
0006.0000 / SE1R200
Yeni definitionlar:====================IEDefender +2Win32.TrojanDownloader.IEDefender +3
Güncellenen definitionlar:====================Win32.TrojanProxy.BobaxWin32.Worm.RontokbroVirusRay
MD5 checksum is for core.aawdef:8cddf703cfd3e68e5445dd05bc95e69aMD5 checksum is for defs.ref: ae058fd913aea8310291d7088073d76a
Not: Ad-Aware 2007 yeni sürüm kullanıcıları için yeni definition file şekli çıkmış bulunmaktadır. core.zip (1.91MB) dosya adıyla yayınlanan bu yeni güncelleme paketi dosyası Ad-Aware 2007 kullanıcıları için geçerlidir. Eski sürüm kullananlar için ise hala defs.zip dosyası güncellenip yayınlanmaya devam etmektedir.tıklayınız
18 aylık bir beklemeden sonra Crysis artık bizimle. 27 Ekim'de demo versiyonu oyunseverlere sunulan oyunun tam sürümünü satın almak için biraz daha beklemek zorundayız.
Crytek isimli Türk üreticinin grafik motoruna sahip olan bu oyuna FPS sınıfının en iyileri arasına kesin girecek gözü ile bakılıyor ki bu firmanın daha önce de FarCry isimli oyunu yarattığı ve satış rekorlarına imza attığını biliyoruz. Bu yüzden oyuna güvenimiz daha da artıyor.
Demo ile ilgili ilk görüş:
Single Player(Tek kişilik) olan bu demo versiyon da 3 adet bölüm sunulmuş sadece.
Oyun bir radyo telsizinden gelen yardım çağrıları ile başlıyor. Bir kadın sesi Kuzey Kore'nin elinde bulundurduğu bir adada kayalıkların altında bir şeyler bulduk diyor. Tarih ise 7 Ağustos 2020'yi göstermektedir. Radyo konuşmaları devam ederken ekranda belirli belirsiz canlılar gözükmektedir. Ki bu canlılar bir çeşit uzaylı yaratığa çok benzemektedir. Bu konuşmanın sonrasında ekran kararır ve "7 gün sonra" ibaresi belirir... C-17 nakliye uçağı kayalıklı bir adanın üstünde ilerlemektedir. Elit bir birlik olan Raptor takımı giydikleri nano-teknolojik giysileri ile göreve hazır durumdadır. Takım ise lider Prophet, Avustralyalı Psycho, Jester ve Aztec'ten oluşuyor. Ve son olarak yönettiğimiz karakter Nomad var. Oyun takımın C-17 nakliye uçağından 30.000 feet yükseklikten atlaması ile başlıyor. Görev ise: Paraşüt ile adaya inmek ve adada mahsur kalan bilim takımını kurtarmak.
Serbest düşüş oldukça iyi bir deneyim. Kendinizi gerçekten 30.000 feet yüksektlikten düşüyor gibi hissediyorsunuz. Paraşütler tam açılırken nedense bir sorun ile karşılaşıyorsunuz ve paraşütünüz tam açılmıyor. Ve takımdan ayrı olarak sahile yakın bir yerde suya düşüyorsunuz. Neyse ki giymiş olduğunuz kıyafet size fazla zarar gelmesini engelliyor. Sahile kadar yüzdükten sonra Jester ile bağlantı kuruyor ve yerlerinizi bildiriyorsunuz. Bu bölüm bir öğrenim bölümü olarak da görülebilir. Temel hareketleri ve oyunun incelikleriniz öğrenerek antreman yapmanıza imkan tanınıyor. Atlama, zıplama, sürünme gibi özelliklerin yanında gece görüş özelliğini de öğreniyorsunuz. Susturuculu silahları kullanarak kayalığın üstünde nöbet tutan Kuzey Kore'li askeri etkisiz hale getiriyorsunuz. Ve dürbünü kullanarak askerlerin devriyesini izliyorsunuz. İsterseniz bu askerleri de etkisiz hale getirebilirsiniz veya bu devriyeyi es geçebilirsiniz. Kıyafetinizin size sağladığı avantajlardan birisi de kusursuz bir kamuflaj. Bu sayede düşmanın dibine kadar yaklaşıp otomatik silah ile işlerini bir kaç saniye içerisinde bitirebilirsiniz.
Jester ile bağlantı kurulduktan sonra diğer hedef Aztec'e yardım etmek. Paraşütü bir ağaca takılı durumda ve askeri devriyenin çok yakınında bir yerde kurtarılmayı bekliyor. Ve ayrıca o bölgede başka bir şey daha var. Aztec'e ulaşmaya çalışırken onun çığlıklarını duyarak olay yerine yetişmeye çalışıyorsunuz. Ancak çok geçtir. Aztec ölmüştür. Ayrıca Kuzey Koreli askerler de ölmüştür. Orada oyalanmak için zaman yoktur çünkü Prophet Aztec'in nano elbisesindeki otomatik imha modunu açmıştır. Siz ise yolunuza devam etmeli ve diğer buluşma noktasına doğru hızla hareket etmek durumundasınızdır.
Gece yapmış olduğunuz paraşütle atlama görevinden sonra artık yeni bir gün yavaş yavaş doğmaktadır. Karışık düşünceler içerisinde GPS'in size gösterdiği yeni buluşma noktasına doğru ilerlemektesinizdir. Bu noktaya ulaşmak için 2 seçeneğiniz vardır. İsterseniz Kuzey Koreli askerlerin arkasından yolu uzatarak dolaşmak isterseniz de heyecanlı savaş alanının ortasından geçmek. Crysis'in en güzel özelliklerinden birisi de bu. Bir noktaya ulaşabilmek için birden fazla seçeneği size sunuyor. Birden fazla yol ile daha fazla heyecan yaşayabiliyorsunuz. Örneğin bir köye gidip bir pickup araba alıp hızla noktaya ulaşmaya çalışabilirsiniz. Ancak yol askerler tarafından kesilmiştir ve siz pickup'tan dışarı atlayıp askerlerin üzerine doğru gitmekte olan aracınızın benzin tankına ateş ederek onu barikatın tam önünde patlatabilirsiniz. Bu sayede yolunuz açılmış olur.
Bir çok askeri koruma noktasından başarı ile geçtikten sonra ikincil göreviniz olan düşman yönetim merkezine ulaşıyorsunuz. İsterseniz hızlı bir şekilde buluşma noktasına ilerleyebilirsiniz. Ve takımınızın keşfettiği ve kurtarmak için gönderildiğiniz bilim takımı tarafından verilen işarete ilerleyebilirsiniz. Bu işaret ormanın içerisinde başıboş bir şekilde duran bir teknenin içerisinden gelmektedir. Takım arkadaşlarınız teker teker çıldırmaya başlamıştır. Ve hemen ardından dünyadan olmadığını belli eden bir çığlık ortalığa yayılır yer sarsılmaya başlar. Ve büyük mekanik bir şey ağaçların arasından çıkar. Jester'ı alır ve fırlatır. Siz de hemen arkasından koşarsınız ancak çok geçtir. Jester'ın ölü bedeni belirlenmiştir. Ve Prophet otomatik imha modunu devreye sokar...
Demo bu şekilde sona eriyor. Ancak oyunu oynamak oldukça eğlenceli.
Önemli! Oyunun tam olarak çıkacağı tarih ise 15 Kasım 2007'dir.
Sistem gereksinimleri:
Windows XP veya Windows Vista,
2.8 GHz veya daha hızlı (XP) veya 3.2 GHz veya daha hızlı (Vista) işlemci,
1.0 GB RAM (XP) veya 1.5 GB RAM (Vista),
256MB ekran kartı,
12GB sabit disk boş alanı,
DirectX 9.0c uyumlu ses kartı
Ayrıca DirectX 10.0 desteği ile çok daha iyi bir görüntü elde edebilirsiniz.tıklayınız.
Ad-Aware 2007 RAM, Registry, hard disk, ve harici depolama aygıtlarını tarama kabiliyeti ile bilinen data-mining, reklam ve izleme komponentlerini bulmanızda sizlere en başarılı ve en hızlı çözümleri sağlarken, sisteminizi tertemiz hale getirir ve internet gezintilerinizde sizlere en iyi gizliliği sağlar.
Bilgisayarınıza buluşabilecek veya bulunan tüm spyware, adware, trojan, worm gibi kötü niyetli yazılımları Ad-Aware 2007 ile kaldırabilecek ve bilgisayarınızı maksimum performans için sürekli temiz tutabileceksiniz.
Ad-Aware 2007'nin ücretsiz versiyonu yeniden dizayn edilmiş yepyeni motoru ve gelişmiş zincirleme kod tanımlaması, tanımlama güncellemeleri, tek tıklama ile web geçmişi temizleme, çoklu tarayıcı desteğ ve daha bir çok yeni özelliği ile karşımızda.
Ad-Aware 2007'de Yeni Neler Var?
Yeniden Tasarlanmış Motor – Süper program esnekliği ve daha isabetli taramalar için yepyeni bir program mimarisi ile yaratılmış arama motoru(scan engine).
Gelişmiş Zincirleme Kod Tanımlama (CSI) Teknolojisi – Gizliliğinizi korurken, bilinen ve yeni türeyen tehlikelerin tespitinde herzaman yanınızda.
Tanımlama Dosya Güncellemeleri – Değerli zamanınızı ve kaynaklarınızı koruyarak daha küçük güncelleme dosyaları ve hızlı yüklemelerle daha iyi sonuçlar elde edin.
TrackSweep - İnternet üzerinde bıraktığınız izleri temizlemeniz için tasarlanmış bu özellik ile Internet Explorer, Firefox, ve Opera gibi tarayıcılarınızın geçmişini sadece tek bir tıklama ile tertemiz hale getirin.
Çoklu Tarayıcı Desteği – Internet Explorer, Firefox, veya Opera desteği.
Yeni Straightforward Kullanıcı Arayüzü – Malware saptaması ve kaldırılması sırasında sizlere en basit ve en kolay şekilde en güvenilir temizlik işlemlerinizi yapmanızı sağlayacak olan yepyeni kullanıcı arayüzü.
Anahtar Özellikler
Kullanıcı Kontrollü Spware Kaldırımı - Sisteminizden kaldırmak istediğiniz veya bırakmak istediğiniz şeyleri kendiniz seçin.
Kapsamlı Saptama Veritabanı – Olağan güncellemelerle sürekli korunur olun ve kapsamlı spyware analizi ve kütüphanesiyle bilginenin.
Sistem Geridönüşüm Noktası – Kolaylık sisteminizi daha önce tertemiz halde belirlediğiniz zamana getirin ve maruz kaldığınız spyware saldırılarını engelleyin.
Ad-Aware 2007 programını Türkçe olarak kullanmak istiyorsanız şuan için kullanamıyorsunuz henüz dil paketi yayınlanmadı. Eski Ad-Aware SE sürümünü kullanıyorsanız Türkçe yapmak için mevcut Dil Paketini indirip kurmanız yeterli olacaktır.
*** Not: Program kurulumdan sonra size aktivasyon kodu soruyor "Cancel" (İptal) tuşuna basarak Ücretsiz Sürüm kullanımına devam ediniz.
*** Not: Program kurulumdan sonra size aktivasyon kodu soruyor "Cancel" (İptal) tuşuna basarak Ücretsiz Sürüm kullanımına devam ediniz.
Programın daha gelişmiş özelliklerle donatılmış olan ücretli verisyonları da bulunmaktadır. Dilerseniz satın alabilirsiniz ...
USD 39.95 USD 26.95
Satın alma işlemi için bu adresi kullanabilirsiniz ...
Bilgisayarınızda herhangi bir dosyayı silseniz bile bu dosya silmenize rağmen hala bilgisayar üzerinde bulunmaya devam eder fakat siz onu görmezsiniz. Kaybettiğiniz bu dosya tekrar yaratılmak istenirse özel yazılımlar kullanılarak geri getirilebilir. İşte hassas online bilgilerinizi kaybettiğinizi sandığınızda bile bunlar uluşabilir bir durumda bilgisayarınızda bulunur.
Lavasoft File Shredder dosya parçalama yazılımı Windows Vista ile sertifikalandırılmış bir araç. Hassas dijital bilgilerinizi Word dokümanlarınızı, Excel, PowerPoint, müzik, video ve fotoğraf dosyalarınızı sonsuza kadar ortadan kaldıracak şekilde silmenize yardımcı olan bir yazılım. Sürükle bırak fonksiyonelliğini destekleyen ve dosyaları parçalayan File Shredder temp (geçici) dosyaları, bilgisayar geçmişini temizlerken, yedi kere üstüne yazma ve Department of Defence (DoD) parçalama algoritması desteği ile dosyalarınız ile ilgili hiçbir iz bırakmıyor.
Digital Lock 7.6
Lavasoft şifreleme teknolojisi ile dosyalarınızı güvenli bir şekilde depolayabilir veya e-posta yoluyla kişisel bilgilerinizi gönderirken onları kilitleyerek karşı tarafa güvenilir bir şekilde ulaşmasını sağlayabilirsiniz, böylece gizli kalması gereken bilgilerinizin kötü ellere geçmesini engelleyebilirsiniz.
Digital Lock Windows Vista ile tam olarak uyum gösteren sertifikalı bir yazılım. Çoklu şifreleme algoritmalarını destekleyen bu program kullanıcılara şifrelenmiş ekleri e-posta yoluyla gönderme, seçilen dosyalara birden fazla şifreleme (yeni AES standard 256 bits dahil) suygulama, başarılı şifrelemelerin ardından tam olarak dosya parçalama ve tüm dosyalarınız için güvenli depolama gibi seçenekler sunuyor.
OmniFormat is a free document conversion utility which allows dynamic conversion and image manipulation of over 75 file formats including HTML, DOC, XLS, WPD, PDF, XML, JPEG, GIF, TIF, PNG, PCX, PPT, PS, TXT, Photo CD, FAX and MPEG. OmniFormat supports Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and may also be used to convert images and documents to rights managed PDF files.
Note: Omniformat requires that Pdf995 - also FREE - be installed. Pdf995 is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by simply selecting the "print" command from any application, creating documents which can be viewed on any computer with a PDF viewer.The free version of OmniFormat will display a sponsor page in your web browser each time you launch the software. If you would prefer not to see sponsor pages, you may purchase a license key for either an individual or a workgroup.
Full list of supported formats
Size: 5.84 MB
Download Pdf995
CDRoller is a set of low and high-level Data and Audio CD management utilities integrated into a common intuitive shell. It features a fault-tolerant Data CD browser and contents reader, audio CD digital extractor, CD media analysis tool, and tester to check CD entirely. License: Shareware.
Official site
Download: CDRoller 7.51.70 (4.07 MB)
jetAudio is integrated multimedia software composed of a single compact rack. Not only does it play various music and video files, but it also has other features such as CD burning, recording, conversion to other file formats, and so on. In addition to these features, you have the ability to create your own Internet broadcasting by using JetCast, which is provided with JetAudio. Play all major file formats and discs, including WAV, MP3, MP3Pro, OGG, WMA, MPG, AVI, WMV, MIDI, RM, and video, and audio CD. Convert among audio file formats, and record analog audio to various formats. The program features Internet broadcasting with JetCast; visualization plug-ins, including Sound2Vision; tag editing for MP3, OGG, and WMA; various sound effects including wide, reverb, and x-bass; multichannel sound output; speed control of audio playback; crossfading for smooth transition between two songs; a skinnable user interface; synchronized lyrics display (karaoke) for MIDI and MP3 files; and subtitles.
- Supports All Major File Formats, Video Conversion, Audio CD burning, Recording, Tag Editing, Multi-channel sound ouput, Crossfade, Skin, Subtitles, Internet CD Database, Convenient album management & Playlist, Utilities, Remote Controller, Media Center Window, Audio Conversion, Audio CD Ripping, Internet Broadcasting, Various sound effects, Speed Control, Resume, Synchronized Lyric (Karaoke), Alarm & Timer, Equalizer, Superb Crystal-Clear Sound, Toolbar mode
New in jetAudio 7 :
• New Media Center window (replaces previous Album Manager)
• Repeat A<->B
• Bookmark. Bookmark menu is shown when clicking click time information in jetAudio window.
• History (Resume). History menu is shown when clicking click track number in jetAudio window.
• Support Remote Controller. You can control jetAudio using MCE (Microsoft Media Center) compatible remote controller or StreamZap remote controller.
[Tip when using remote controller]
(for MCE remote controller)
- GUIDE button : Display Navigator window
- MUTE button : Delete a file in Navigator window
- MORE button : Sort files (Navigator) or change audio (DVD playback)
- BACK button : Refresh (Navigator)
- RECORDED TV button : Switch to File Mode
- DVD MENU button : Switch to Disc Mode (when stopped) or display DVD menu screen (while playing DVD)
- CH +/- button : Switch to next/previous album/playlist
- LIVE TV button : Change subtitle (DVD playback)
(for Streamzap remote controller)
- MENU button : Display Navigator window
- MUTE button : Delete a file in Navigator window
- RED button : Sort files (Navigator) or change audio (DVD playback)
- GREEN button : Refresh (Navigator) or change subtitle (DVD playback)
- YELLOW button : Switch to File Mode
- BLUE button : Play disc (when stopped) or display menu (DVD playback)
- CH +/- button : Switch to next/previous album/playlist
Changes in jetAudio 7.0.5:
- Support COWON A3, iAUDIO U5 players
- Fixed seek problem for some FLAC files
- Audio Trimmer did not handle mono sound files properly
- Fixed crash when pressing FF/REW for DVD playback
Homepage - http://www.jetaudio.com
Size: 22.0 MB
Download Basic
Download jetAudio Plus VX Upgrade
Serence KlipFolio is a personal dashboard for Windows that saves you time and effort by using Klips to intelligently monitoring remote data sources--like weather, stocks, Hotmail, news, RSS feeds and even auctions--right on your desktop. Licence: Freeware.
Of course kaldata.net also has it's klips:
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Screenshot: KlipFolio
Official site
Download: KlipFolio 5.0 Build 5899-51 Beta (980 KB)
DD-WRT v24 offers many new features, on of the most important is support of Atheros wlan chipsets and SOC designs. By supporting special features of the Atheros wireless designs like half- and quarter channels and extended channel support DD-WRT is now perfectly suited for long range wireless links. With this DD-WRT is now also supporting the whole Ubiquity line of wireless products using all available features the hardware offers.
Download: DD-WRT v24 Final
K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool will scan for broken filters and remove them. If the tool detects something that is broken, it will then prompt you with the details and you will be given the option to remove the broken item. Licence: Freeware.
Official site
Download: K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 2.2.7 (416 KB)
Kantaris Media Player is the all-in-one media player that provides the best audio and video experience. Kantaris is an open-source alternative to Windows Media Player with similar GUI and features. Video playback is based upon Videolan Client (VLC) which enables Kantaris to play almost anything you throw at it without the need of installing any codecs. Unlike VLC, Kantaris also has extensive support for music and other audio formats, these include MP3, WMA, OGG, MIDI, AC3, AAC, MP4 and FLAC.
Kantaris Media Player can play almost anything you can throw at it - AVI, MPEG, MGEG-AVC, WMV, MOV, MKV, quicktime, matroska, divx, xvid, H264, MP3, WMA, OGG files and more. It can also play DVD's and audio cd's. The player also displays some of the most beautiful music visualizations ever seen. All this is completely free.
Kantaris is an all new media player based on code from Videolan client (VLC) and Bass audio library. Kantaris has a graphical user interface similar to that of Windows Media Player. Works with Windows 2000, XP and Vista.
Changes in Kantaris 0.3.6:
- support for non-western characters in subtitles. So now you should be able to use your Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, … subtitles with Kantaris.
- Added subtitles size setting
- Speed up file loading
- Saving downloaded subtitles in the “kantaris\cache” directory instead of in the “temporary internet files” folder
- Double-clicking for full screen works again
- Hopefully fixed a bug caused by bass_fx.dll in Vista 64-bit ( I can’t test it)
- Fixed a bug with the listing of embedded subtitles
- Uninstaller now removes file associations
- Probably some more which I can’t remember right now.
Homepage - http://www.kantaris.org
Size: 8.54 MB
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AOL instant Messenger (AIM) service is a free online service that lets you communicate with family, friends and co-workers in real time. Using the AIM Buddy ListВ® feature you can see when your buddies are online and available to instant message. The newest version of AIM lets you to take instant messaging to the next level! With Video IM, Screen Name Linking, AIM Games and Mobile IM, instant messaging has become more fun than ever! Licence: Freeware.
Official site
Download: AIM Beta 3 (13.5 MB)
ProgDVB - the best software for watching digital TV and listen to radio channels. Supports DVB-S (satellite), DVB-S2, DVB-C (cable), DVB-T, IPTV sources or playback from a file.
Main functions:
* Timeshift
* Record TV and radio channels.
* Broadcast channels to network.
* Support EPG, Teletext, subtitles,…
* Support CAM Interface for pay channels.
* Support High Definition TV include H.264/AVC (request Pofessional version)
* Support "Picture in Picture" function (request Pofessional version)
* Localization of the interface
* Advanced OSD and remote control support (from 5.x version)
* Skins for OSD and GUI (from 5.x version)
You can use all base functions of ProgDVB free of charge without restrictions in ProgDVB Standart edition. Some additional functions, such as "Picture in a picture", AVC,H.264,AAC and DVB-S2 support, work with several audio streams and some other, are available in ProgDVB Professional only.
Download: ProgDVB 32-bit | ProgDVB 64-bit (beta) - 2.4MB (Freeware)
Download: ProgDVB Pro 32-bit - 3.7MB (30-days shareware / €25)
Screenshot: >> Click here <<
Link: ProgDVB home page
Pictomio sets new standards for 3D accelerated browsing of your photo and video collection, it's a software application for managing, categorizing, searching, and archiving photos and other media files, and allows you to generate animated 2D and 3D slideshows. The extensive capabilities of the latest programmable 3D graphic cards are utilized for image decoding and displaying slideshows. Note that Pictomio requires a graphics card with ShaderModel 2.0 and a minimum of 128 MB video RAM.
New in this build:
* Text rendering shows wrong characters on some systems
* Single Image view sometimes does not show images when indexing
* Optimized application responsiveness while indexing
* Stabilized video playing
* Trying to access Floppy and CD-ROM drives when selecting local drives
* Histogram channels red and blue were inverted
Download: Pictomio 1.0.11 for Windows XP/Vista - 6.19 MB (Freeware)
Screenshots: >> Click here <<
Link: Pictomio home page
AbiWord is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft Word. It is suitable for typing papers, letters, reports, memos, etc. It is designed to integrate perfectly with the operating system it runs on. It will take advantage of the functionality provided by the system, such as image loading or printing capabilities.
AbiWord is rapidly becoming a state of the art Word Processor, with lots of features useful for your daily work, personal needs, or for just some good old typing fun. This tour gives you a quick look into some of AbiWord's highlights. AbiWord has been designed to integrate perfectly with the operating system it runs on. It will take advantage of the functionality provided by the system, such as image loading or printing capabilities. Give your document that professional, scientific or fun-to-read look using AbiWord's advanced document layout options. Use tables, bullets, lists, images, footnotes, endnotes and styles to enhance the way your document looks.
AbiWord is unique among word processors in its drive to become a fully cross-platform word processor. Our source code is carefully written so that AbiWord will run on virtually any operating system with a minimum of time spent on porting. This combined with our support for internationalization (the ability to run AbiWord in many languages) gives AbiWord a massive potential user-base. Currently we run on most UNIX systems, Windows 95 and later, QNX Neutrino 6.2. We also have a MacOS X native port in the way (you can still use the UNIX version on MacOS X if you want).
The installer includes the following extra functionality ("plugins"):
- Grammar checking (only English supported at the moment)
- Support for entering formulas and equations
- Wordperfect file import
- OpenDocument file import (the OpenOffice.org 2 format)
- Gnumeric charts support (experimental, only works with recent GNOME)
Changes in AbiWord 2.6.3:
Homepage - http://www.abisource.com
Size: 5.66 MB
Download for Windows
Get Import/Export Plugins
Get Tools Plugins
Get Fonts for Equation EditingGet Dictionaries
Downloads for All OS
Download AbiWord 2.6.2 Portable
OxygenOffice Professional (formely know as OpenOffice.org Premium) is a extended, free and open source enhancement of official OpenOffice.org plus some Extras for you to use.
OxygenOffice Professional the product is a multi-platform office productivity suite. It includes the key desktop applications, such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation manager, and drawing program, with a user interface and feature set similar to other office suites. Sophisticated and flexible, OxygenOffice Professional also works transparently with a variety of file formats, including those of Microsoft Office.
OxygenOffice Professional runs stably and natively on Solaris, Linux (including PPC Linux), Windows, Mac OS X (X11), and numerous other platforms. Our porting page lists the platforms (ports) that OpenOffice.org can run on. Written in C++ and with documented APIs licensed under the LGPL and SISSL Open Source licenses, OpenOffice.org allows any knowledgeable developer to benefit from the source. And, because the file format for OxygenOffice Professional is XML, interoperability is easy, making future development and adoption more certain.
OxygenOffice Professional is based on OpenOffice.org 2.3.0 This latest and greatest version has new functions like enhanced PDF management and direct export to LaTex and MediWiki. The OxygenOffice Professional team of international developers changed the name of the project , (which was formerly known as OpenOffice.org Premium), to simplify things and point out that this project is independent from the OpenOffice.org project. Our team loves and supports the OpenOffice.org project, and did not want to cause any potential confusion.
Available language versions:
- Hungarian (HU), English (EN-US), German (DE), Italian (IT), French (FR), Turkish (TR), Georgian (KA), Finnish (FI), Spanish (ES), Portugal (Brazilian) (pt-BR), Dutch (NL) and Polish (PL).
Supported platforms: Linux and Windows
Here are just a few of the extras you get with OxygenOffice Professional:
- More than 3,400 graphics are included, both clip art and photos. These pictures are integrated into the gallery and can easily be placed into any OxygenOffice document. Several templates and sample documents are included, as well as over 90 fonts. The extras are integrated by default in the installation of OxygenOffice Professional, but they are optional, so the user can decide what parts to include and what parts to leave out. These extra templates, fonts, and graphics are free for both personal and professional use. - Additional tools like OOoWikipedia, which can search the free on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia, are also included. An enhanced help menu, additional User's Manual, and the enabled extended tips are great to help beginners get started using OxygenOffice Professional. Moreover you can use more predefined gradients, colors and other useful element. The current version is able to run VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) from Excel documents in Calc (under development) and also you can import Office Open XML (Microsoft Office 2007), Works, WordPerfect files and T602 documents also you can import WordPerfect Graphics graphical files too.
Size: 248 MB
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Norman Malware Cleaner is a Norman program utility that may be used to detect and remove specific malicious software (malware).
Note that it should not be used as a substitute for running normal proactive antivirus protection, but rather as a reactive tool to handle systems that are already infected.
By downloading and running the program below it will clean an infected system completely:
* kill running processes that are infected
* remove infections from disk (including ActiveX components and browser helper objects)
* restore correct registry values
* remove references created by malware in hosts file
* remove windows firewall rules for malicious programs
Norman Malware Cleaner covers cleaning of all known variants of the following families up to (2007.09.24) :
* Agent
* Bagle
* Blaster
* BZub
* Cimuz
* Dloader
* Dumaru
* Feebs
* Haxdoor
* JS/Small
* Lovgate
* Mitglied
* Mydoom
* Mytob
* Navipromo
* Netsky
* Newdotnet
* OnlineGames
* Renos
* Rootkit
* Sasser
* Sdbot
* Sircam
* Small.KI
* Smalltroj
* Sober
* Sobig
* Spyaxe
* Spybot
* Spywad
* Startpage
* Stration
* Swen
* Tibs
* Yaha
* Zafi
* Zlob
* Zotob
- To give Norman Malware Cleaner the best working conditions possible, we recommend that you start the computer in Safe mode before running the program. To do this, tap the F8 key on your keyboard during startup, before Windows starts, and select Safe mode from the menu that appears.
- Pressing the F8 key at just the right time may be a little difficult (after the firmware POST process completes, but before Windows displays graphical output). If the F8 method does not work, repeat the procedure, but press the F8 key more quickly, or press it several times.
- On some (older) computers, the F8 key method may not work. In these Windows versions you may also configure your computer to start in Safe mode through the System Configuration Utility (msconfig).
- In some cases Norman Malware Cleaner may require that you restart the computer to completely remove an infection
Supported operating systems are: Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP and 2003
Homepage - http://www.norman.com/Virus/Virus_removal_tools/en
Size: 18.7 MB
LopeEdit is a powerful programmer's editor and a replacement of Windows Notepad. It has tabs to select between open files, supports syntax highlighting of multiple programing languages (C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, VBScript, XML, HTML, ASP, JSP, SQL, Cobol, C#, CSS, Pascal, Perl, PHP), incorporates build-in hexadecimal editor, some util docking windows (File Browser, FTP Browser, Favorites, Projects Manager, Multiple Clipboards, Code Templates Manager, ASCII Table, MS-DOS console), and more...
LopeEdit has two editions: LopeEdit Lite (freeware) and LopeEdit Pro (shareware).
LopeEdit Pro has the following advanced features:
* Built-in FTP Browser.
* Hexadecimal editor.
* File compare.
* Code Templates.
* MS-DOS Console Window.
* Project management.
* Column mode.
* IntelliSense.
* Multiple Clipboards Window.
* External Tools.
Homepage - http://www.lopesoft.com
Active@ Data CD/DVD Burner is software used to burn files and folders onto CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R, CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc.
To start the burning process choose files and folders to be added (burned) and press the BURN button.
How to write files and folders to the CD DVD disk.
There are several steps you can take to burn files and folders to the Data CD/DVD disk:
Step 1. Select files and folders to be added in the Base and Root areas.
Base - Base folder containing files and subfolders that will be added to the root of the CD/DVD. Use the browse button to change the base folder via a standard Browse for Folder... dialog. Double click the folder to open it in Windows Explorer.
Root - Additional files and folders (located on the same or other drives) that will be added to the CD/DVD. Use the Add File/Folder buttons next to the Root area to add folders and files via a standard dialog. You can also Drag and Drop files and folders here from Windows Explorer. Double-clicking on the item will open it in Windows Explorer. If you clear the check box on the left of the item - this item will not be burned, but will be kept in the settings for future use.
- add file
- add folder
- clear item
Step 2. In the Burning Options - type in a Disc Label. Specify how the path is applied to extra files and folders.
Step 3. Select you CD/DVD Burner from the pull down menu. Select the burning speed.
Insert a blank CD/DVD disk into the CD/DVD drive and click the BURN ! button. See the progress. To cancel the data burning process click the STOP button.
Burning Settings
Click the Settings link to open the Burner Settings dialog. Default settings are shown below.
The list of available settings to choose from:
Finalize Media - the parameter performs media finalizing after burning is complete
Perform BURN-Proof - the parameter sets the status of BURN-Proof (Buffer Under RuN error Proof) flag which protects against the BURN error
Perform OPC - the parameter sets the status of a flag for performing OPC before burning. Performing OPC is a special technique used in the newer CD-Recorders for monitoring and maintaining the quality of disc writing and ensures the accuracy of all the mark and lands lengths across the disc. The term Performing OPC describes a general process which is also known by several trade names including "Dynamic Power Control (DPC)" and "Direct Read During Write (DRDW)". There may be differences in execution which gives some of these implementations competitive advantages over others
Default rewritable media erase - if the media type is re-writable (CD-RW, DVD-RW, etc.), selecting this option will erase the media automatically every time before burning starts. If turned off - you will be asked to confirm the erase action.
Default Max write speed - if turned on - burner has been set up to use maximum writing speed. If turned off - one step below maximum.
Cache Buffer Size - size of the cache buffer in megabytes. Gives a basic level of Buffer Under RuN Error Protection using software buffers. The data, to be burnt, is kept in the system RAM, before it is burnt to the disc.
Home: http://www.ntfs.com/DVD_data_burner.htm
The Enterprise edition offers support to localize remote databases like SQLServer and other. Visual JSP, ASP and PHP support makes it the most complete Sisulizer edition. It can be called from build tools to automate software distribution. The capability to access shared external translations memories like Trados (tm) (6.5 or higher) makes it the perfect solution for team development. New: With the Enterprise Edition you now can also localize any HTML Help files (.chm). Of course the Enterprise edition has everything the smaller editions also have.
What's new in Sisulizer 1.6:
Text file localization with regular expressions
- Define the translatable contents using regular expressions. With this you can localize more text formats with Sisulizer than ever.
More third party components supported
- Sisulizer 1.6 supports a large list of the most important third party components for .NET and Delphi. You find more details about our third party component support program here.
Improved user interface
- New columns for number of pixels/characters of translation.
- The translation toolbar is now above translation grid making the interface more logical and easier to use.
Improved HTML Help support
- Better WYSIWYG for help contents.
- Localization of auto-generated index entries.
- Faster scanning of large CHM files.
Optimized scanning of HTML files
Improved XML translation support
-More flexible support to better cover different XML structures.
Better INI-file support
- Support for quoted and escaped strings.
Improved IME support
- IME settings are now also saved into general settings as default for new projects.
- JSP is now better supported. Sisulizer now comes with JSP samples.
- New for the free Translation Edition
- Validation added
-Spell-checking added
- Local DBISAM translation memories access added
New for the Personal Edition
- Validation added
- Spell-checking added
- Local DBISAM translation memories access added
Sisulizer 1.6.27 Setup-EXE 5/3/2008
ZIP-File* 5/3/2008
MagicISO is a powerful CD/DVD image file editor, CD burner, and CD/DVD backup tool. It can directly create, edit, extract, and burn ISO files. It also can convert almost all CD/DVD image formats to ISO/BIN/CUE, Nero (.NRG), and CloneCD (.CCD/. IMG/. SUB). With MagicISO, you can handle DVD image up to 10GB; make CD image files from CD/DVD-ROM; also can burn ISO files and other CD/DVD image files (BIN, IMG, CIF, NRG, BWI, VCD) to CD-R/RW; support loading boot image file exported by WinISO and UltraISO; burn CD image files in ISO9660, Joliet, and UDF format; edit properties of CD/DVD image files; it has the ability to correct volume serial number after editing original CD/DVD image file; search files or directories with wildcard characters in CD/DVD image file.
- Process almost all CD-ROM image file(s) including ISO and BIN.
- Ability to directly add/delete/rename/extract file(s) within image files.
- Convert image files to the standard ISO format.
- Supports ISO 9660 Level1/2/3 and Joliet extension
- Duplicate disc to ISO file from CD-ROM.
- MagicISO embed with Windows Explorer.
- You can convert almost all image file formats, including BIN, and save it as a standard ISO format file.
- Edit ISO file in many format(such as Nero burning ROM, Easy CD Creator, CDRWin, CloneCD, BlindWrite, etc).
- Select some files or directories, and then create the ISO based on these files.
- Make bootable ISO file.
- Because of its file associations, you can simply double click an ISO file in Windows Explorer to open it.
- Very easy to use interface but powerful enough for an expert.
- Backup CD to your hard disk.
Homepage - http://www.magiciso.com
5.4(build 256)
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PowerDVD is the latest evolution of the world acclaimed DVD software program that offers maximum video and audio playback entertainment on the PC. It comes complete with numerous customizable video/audio controls that can deliver the highest quality viewing and listening experience. PowerDVD incorporates support for high-definition audio and video, true 8-channel home theater audio playback, virtual surround sound, as well as complete controls and extra features for DVD enthusiasts.
CyberLink enriches the high-definition movie experience with brand new PowerDVD 8, featuring support for interactive Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD features, home theater audio formats, and video file formats. New features let users extend the movie experience by building a database of movie info and trivia, writing movie reviews, rating their favorite movies, and creating movie remixes. A newly released web site dedicated to PowerDVD users allows the meeting and making of friends, and the sharing of movie information that can be synchronized with a user's own version of PowerDVD.
No. 1 DVD Experience on the PC now delivers New Dimensions in Movie Entertainment
* Indulge in the extreme quality of high-definition movies
* Explore high-definition Blu-ray Disc movies
* Remix your movies: create new stories to watch and share
* Build your own movie collection; write personal reviews
* Share a love of movies with new friends on MoovieLive.com
Enjoy High-Definition Movies
PowerDVD delivers award-winning playback quality for movies on the PC.
* High-definition movie content - The best video quality out there, with support for video formats like AVCHD and Blu-ray Discs.
* Advanced video technologies - See the beauty in each shot of every scene with TrueTheater™ Technology.
* Home theater audio - Enjoy movies on the PC as if you are right at the cinema, with support for Dolby, DTS, and other home theater technologies.
* Smart DVD utilities - Save battery power on your notebook (See-it-All), move language subtitles (Read-it-Clearly), and auto loop a section of dialog (Say-it-Again), with PowerDVD's award winning DVD controls.
Remix Your DVD Movies
PowerDVD lets you create new stories based on existing movies, or simply express your creativity and opinions in unconventional ways.
* Movie Remix - Put your own touches to a movie by re-ordering scenes, adding subtitles, inserting animated PiPs, and recording a voice-over.
* Watch other people's remixes - Download remixes from MoovieLive and see what other people have created.
* Share your remixes online - Upload your remixes to MoovieLive and let others share in your unique vision.
Collect Movie Information
PowerDVD helps you build a library of movie facts and figures, combining personal notes and disc information. Sync your movie collection to your MoovieLive account.
* Your movie collection - Create a collection of movies, and keep a record of your viewing experience. Gather data and trivia about the DVDs you watch.
* Reviews & ratings - Write reviews about the movies you've seen. Give a quick 5-star rating and compare that with what others like through the global rating.
* Quick movie stats - Quickly check how many PowerDVD users enjoy the same movies as you. PowerDVD lets you see the number of viewers, remixes made, reviews written, and DVD owners.
Connect via MoovieLive
PowerDVD gets you connected with other users via MoovieLive.com. You can see global ratings for the movies you watch, access information about the movies other people are watching too.
* Upload & download remixes - Download remixes to see different takes on a movie. Upload your own remixes to share with other PowerDVD users.
* Make friends - Find other people who are interested in the films you like, then get connected.
* Publish your thoughts - After writing a review of a movie, why not share your review with other PowerDVD users? MoovieLive lets you upload your review, and adds your ratings to the community's global rating.
* See what others have to say - Read reviews from other PowerDVD users and browse MoovieLive's database for tons of details about the movies you love (and loathe!).
CyberLink PowerDVD 8 offers complete multi-channel (4/6/7/8), S/PDIF and HDMI sound device support, including (but not limited to) devices from Analog Devices, Aureal, Creative, Cirrus/Crystal, CMedia, ESS, Fortemedia, KCTech, Philips/VLSI, Realtek, IDT, SiS, TI, Yamaha, VIA, and any other sound device that supports the Microsoft WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE interface.
CyberLink PowerDVD 8 supports Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) in display chips or integrated chipsets from Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, SiS, and VIA/S3. Acceleration functions include Entropy Decode, Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform, Hardware Motion Compensation and Subpicture Alpha Blending units.
CyberLink PowerDVD 8 is fully optimized for multimedia instruction sets, such as AMD 3D Now! Professional, Enhanced 3D Now!, 3DNow!, Intel Streaming SIMD Extensions 2/3/4 (SSE/2/3/4), MMX, the Hyper-Threading technology, dual-core and quar-core CPU supported.
CyberLink PowerDVD 8 is compatible with new DVD-RAM, DVD-R/RW, DVD+RW, DVD-Multi, DVD-Dual, DVD-ROM/CD-RW combo drives, BD-ROM drives with IEEE 1394, USB 2.0, ATAPI, SCSI or CardBus interface, as long as the drive conforms to the SFF8090 command set and SBP-2 (if applicable).
CyberLink PowerDVD 8 is compatible with all Centrino, Socket 478, Socket 423, Socket 370, Slot 1, Socket A and Slot A chipsets from Intel, VIA, SiS, ALi, NVIDIA, and AMD. The features for hardware deinterlace and "Read it clearly" may need updated drivers to support them. If you find problems when using these features, please update your drivers to latest version and then try again.
CyberLink PowerDVD 8 is capable of high-definition audio decoding. However, due to the industries lack of common secure audio path technology, all protected audio content (eg. DVD-Audio, Blu-ray Disc) will force audio to be down-sampled to 48Khz/16bit output resolution. This constraint will be removed once an approved secure audio path is deployed for the PC ecosystem.
What's New in CyberLink PowerDVD 8:
* New! - Dolby Digital Plus*
* New! - Dolby TrueHD*
* New! - DTS-HD*
* DTS Neo:6 (Discrete, Matrix)*
* DTS 96/24**
* AAC 5.1 Channel support**
* DTS**
* Dolby Digital 5.1
* Dolby Digital EX**
* Dolby Pro Logic IIx**
* Dolby Headphone**
* Dolby Virtual Speaker**
* TrueTheater™ - Surround (Multi-channel Environment Impression Mode)
* TrueTheater™ - Surround (Virtual Speaker Mode)
* TrueTheater™ - Surround (Headphone Mode)
* MLP lossless**
* SRS TruSurroundXT**
* Pitch scaling technology
* Audio equalizer presets
* Audio visualizations
* Direct 96/24 output
* MP3, WAV
* New! - SMPTE VC-1 High-Definition Video*
* MPEG4 AVC (H.264) High-Definition Video**
* TrueTheater™ - Lighting (Adaptive lighting for video quality enhancement)
* TrueTheater™ - Stretch (Non-linear stretch technology)
* Video smart de-interlacing
Playback Formats
* New! - BD-ROM (Blu-ray Disc) playback*
* New! - BD-RE (Blu-ray Disc) playback*
* VCPS for DVD+VR with content protection
* CPRM for DVD-VR with content protection**
* DVD-Audio**
* External subtitles
* DVD files (DVD-Video, DVD-VR, DVD+VR) from any folder in your hard drive
Advanced Features
* New! - Movie Collection Support
* New! - Movie Remix
* New! - Integration with MoovieLive Service
* UPnP Support - Access your media from a Home Network**
* Say-It-Again - Automatically repeats the last movie scene
* See-It-All - Automatically speeds playback to show as much of the movie as possible
* Read-It-Clearly - Moves subtitles from the viewing screen
* - Available in Ultra Edition (Blu-ray Disc) only
** - Available in Deluxe version and Ultra Edition (Blu-ray Disc)
Homepage - http://www.cyberlink.com
Size: 113 MB
Download PowerDVD 8
Download Update Patch 1622
Extra DVD Ripper Express is a flexible and easy to use DVD ripper software. Which can fast convert dvd movies to avi, mpeg, iPod(MP4), iPhone, Apple TV, flv(YouTube), Sony PSP, Sony PS3, wmv, Microsoft Zune Player, Pocket PC, Mobile 3gp without any loss of quality.
Extra DVD Ripper Express can support enjoying dvd screen as ripping dvd, and support dvd player. super fast DVD ripping speed ! Incredible output quality ! Let you Enjoy movies anywhere anytime!
Key features in Extra DVD Ripper Express:
• Convert DVD movies to AVI, DivX, XviD.
• Convert DVD movies to VCD, SVCD, MPEG
• Convert DVD movies to Apple iPod, Apple iPhone, Apple TV MP4 Video file.
• Convert DVD movies to Sony PSP MP4, Sony PS3 Video file.
• Convert DVD movies to YouTube, Google, MySpace, DailyMotion FLV Video file.
• Convert DVD movies to WMV Video file.
• Convert DVD movies to Microsoft Zune Player for WMV and MP4 Video file.
KeyPass is a versatile password manager that types your passwords for you! Unlike other password managers that requires tedious cut-and-paste or drag-and-drop operations to enter your passwords, KeyPass types the passwords for you when a user-defined "hot key" is pressed. As such, it works with any browser or application, including web browsers, terminal emulators and corporate services. You are not limited to Internet Explorer alone!
KeyPass stores all your sensitive information in an encrypted database. The information is encrypted using 448-bit blowfish algorithm and a master password is required to unlock the information in the database. You can be sure that only you have access to secret information such as passwords, credit card numbers, PIN numbers and sensitive documents.
KeyPass can be installed on external storage devices such as keychain-size USB flash drives. Unlike other password managers that write configuration information to the Windows registry, KeyPass stores everything in the encrypted database so that it can be run without prior installation. This allows you to carry all your sensitive information with you wherever you go. Simply plug the device into any PC and immediately access all your information and passwords!
KeyPass is perfect for enterprise administrators to distribute passwords to users. Instead of forcing users to remember passwords, an administrator can store them in KeyPass, assign a read-only password and distribute them to users. In this way, users will be able to use the information in KeyPass, but will not be able to modify them. Only the administrator has the authority to update the database. Changes can also be seamlessly distributed to the users by making KeyPass synchronize with a reference database in a remote network share.
Homepage - http://www.dobysoft.com
(2,752,118 bytes)
System TuneUp is a modified version of our product - "Ace Utilities". It has a new user-interface and will only work on systems using Windows XP or above.
System TuneUp comprises of a collection of tools to optimize your pc's performance. It allows you to find and remove the junk files in your PC, invalid registry entries, delete your internet usage history, provides plug-in support to erase the usage-history of over 200 third-party applications, manage your internet cookies and much more. With a detailed startup-manager, you can see what all programs, services, drivers, etc start automatically with Windows and optionally disable them. Furthermore, System TuneUp also includes options to find true duplicate files, fix or remove broken shortcuts and to uninstall software completely. Other features include secure file deletion, disk space analysis and more.
• Cleans junk, temporary and obsolete files from your disks using a swift disk cleaning tool.
• The most advanced registry cleaner to clean the Windows registry.
• Clean browser and application history, cache, temp files, cookies etc.
• Control the applications that start automatically with Windows using a startup manager.
• Fix broken Start Menu and Desktop shortcuts.
• Remove true duplicate files.
• Uninstall applications easily and correctly.
• Two modes - expert and normal.
• User friendly, stable and safe.
• Much more utilities...
Homepage - http://www.acelogix.com/systuneup.html
System TuneUp is a modified version of our product - "Ace Utilities". It has a new user-interface and will only work on systems using Windows XP or above.
System TuneUp comprises of a collection of tools to optimize your pc's performance. It allows you to find and remove the junk files in your PC, invalid registry entries, delete your internet usage history, provides plug-in support to erase the usage-history of over 200 third-party applications, manage your internet cookies and much more. With a detailed startup-manager, you can see what all programs, services, drivers, etc start automatically with Windows and optionally disable them. Furthermore, System TuneUp also includes options to find true duplicate files, fix or remove broken shortcuts and to uninstall software completely. Other features include secure file deletion, disk space analysis and more.
• Cleans junk, temporary and obsolete files from your disks using a swift disk cleaning tool.
• The most advanced registry cleaner to clean the Windows registry.
• Clean browser and application history, cache, temp files, cookies etc.
• Control the applications that start automatically with Windows using a startup manager.
• Fix broken Start Menu and Desktop shortcuts.
• Remove true duplicate files.
• Uninstall applications easily and correctly.
• Two modes - expert and normal.
• User friendly, stable and safe.
• Much more utilities...
Homepage - http://www.acelogix.com/systuneup.html
Transform your real-world photo into an animated nature scene by adding a wide array of water, weather and sound effects to your own photos and images!
Nature Illusion Studio lets you transform your digital photos into live and save it as screensavers, executables, AVI, or animated GIF. You can add water effects such as waterfall, lake, sea; animated objects such as birds, fishes; and weather effects such as snow or rain to your photos in less than 5 minutes.
Make photo live
A photo restricts your excitement from holidays spent at the seaside or near a waterfall to flat, two-dimensional images. Nature Illusion Studio lets you go beyond these physical restrictions and make a self-made animated scene, which can bring the original spirit and excitement of the holiday back to life.
Realistic natural effects
All visual effects have been recreated with accurate physics, so ripples on the water or subtle movements of the air look and behave just like they might in the physical life.
Share to others
The best thing is that you can share your excitement with others. You can create a screensaver and present it as a gift to your beloved or friend, publish it on your website and let your guests or customers download it for free.
Superb result
The end result is a superbly lifelike and atmospheric presentation that can be saved as a screensaver, a standalone executable, an AVI or animated GIF file and distributed to other people, who can admire your creation.
• Apply up to 6 water effects to a single image.
• Add Animated Objects to image. Supports animated GIF.
• Add weather effects snow and rain.
• Add sound effects such as birds, cricket, water sounds up to 8 channels.
• A library of water presets for various effects, including Waterfall, Lake, River, Fire, Fog, etc.
• Auto View mode provides you with instant feedback on your changes in real time.
• Save your creation as a screensaver, executable file, GIF or AVI file.
• Created nature scenes can be used in Water Illusion Screensaver, or Ace Pro Screensaver Creator
• Works with Windows Vista, XP, 2000, ME, NT, 98, 95
What's New in Nature Illusion Studio 2.70 (Mar 23,2008 ):
- Animated object support PNG alpha transparency.
- Animated object list has image thumbnail.
Homepage - http://www.nufsoft.com/naturestudio.php
Size: 3.75 MB
JPEG Imager is an interactive image compressor. It provides a real-time preview of a compressed image and handy means to compare it with original one. You can fiddle with various compression parameters and observe the effect of changes almost instantly. You can also specify a desired file size and let the program select the proper value of the quality parameter automatically. In short, JPEG Imager is perfect for Quality vs. File Size optimization. It may prove to be very useful if you need to optimize your images for publishing in the Web. Speaking about other features, JPEG Imager includes a set of basic image manipulation and enhancing operations such as Resample (resize), Crop, Rotation, Gamma correction, Levels adjustment and so on. There is also a cleaning tool for noise removing and, of course, the TWAIN support for image acquisition from scanners and digital cams. Working with JPEG Imager you can acquire, enhance and optimize your images not having to use any other programs. Besides, JPEG Imager has a simple built-in batch processor and thumbnail generator.
Version 2.0 has a completely renewed interface, it works faster and is easier to use. New features include: improved JPEG compression (especially in progressive mode); interactive compression to PNG format; additional image enhancement tools; improved batch processor.
• Fast interactive compression to JPEG, PNG* or GIF* files.
• Real-time preview of compressed image.
• Various compression controls.
• Synchronized Side By Side view.
• Handy tools for image scrolling and zooming.
• Basic image manipulation and enhancing operations.
° Resampling (resizing), cropping
° Rotation/Flipping
° Brightness, Contrast, Gamma correction
° Levels adjustment*
° Color balance, Tones adjustment*
° Negative*, Conversion to Grayscale
° Convolution filters (Sharpen, Blur)
° Cleaning (noise reduction)
• Image acquisition from scanners or digital cameras via TWAIN.*
• Simple built-in batch processor and thumbnail generator.
JPEG Compressor
• High compression ratio with good picture quality.
• Separate quality controls for luminance and chrominance.
• Flexible setup of color components subsampling.
• Progressive mode supported (greatly improved since v1.01).
• Selective extra-compression mode.
• Fit to file size feature - automatic quality adjustment.*
• Optional retention of application specific data (such as EXIF) in APP1-15 marker segments.*
• The ability to edit or automatically replace embedded JPEG file comment.
• Optional insertion of Restart Markers (integrity marks).
* - introduced in JPEG Imager 2.0
Homepage - http://www.v-methods.com/ji/index.html
ji243.zip 1768 KB 2008-02-28 JPEG Imager v2.4.3.161 - New!
ji243.exe 1790 KB 2008-02-28 JPEG Imager v2.4.3.161 (self-extracting setup).
With this software you can easily create and burn your own custom high-quality data DVD & CD, multisession disc and bootable DVD/CD. Features include: Create and burn ISO image file, Erase rewritable discs, Prevent bad burns and CD creation errors, Backup your Windows system and files, Testwrite function and more...
• Full Drag and Drop support
• Simple, Easy-to-Use and Highly Customizable interface
• Supports virtually all SCSI, IDE, EIDE, USB and Firewire CD or DVD Writers * Supports all CD-R / CD-RW / DVD+R / DVD+RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW / DVD-RAM discs * Prevents Bad Burns and CD Creation Errors (BURN-Proof, Just Link, and OPC technologies supported)
• Creates Multi-Session CD and Import any of the available previous session * Builds and Burns ISO Images quickly
• Creates Bootable DVD / CD
• Testwrite Function
• Quick and Full Erase Rewritable discs
• Back up your System and Files easily
• High Performance File/Disc Caching (adjustable cache size)
• On The Fly Recording; no need to build ISO file first No disk space is required for temporary files * Displays needed information about drive and disc
• Creates ISO(100% DOS/Windows) compatible Data CDs / DVDs
• Built-in ASPI Layer for Windows NT, 2000 and XP
• Supports long file name (Joliet) file system
Download 7-Day Trial Version
FiLm Hakkında
Kutsal Damacana filmi yapımcılığını Zero filmin yaptığı toplumda önemli bir yere sahip batıl inançlar üzerine yapılmış bir film.
Kutsal Damacana'nın senaryosunu ise Leman Kültür'ün efsane isimlerinden Ahmet Yılmaz yazmış. Yönetmenler ise Kamil Aydın ve Ahmet Yılmaz. Filmin müzikleri Ercan Saatçi, görsel efektler ise Enis Remizel'e ait.
‘Kutsal Damacana’, dinamik hikayesi, heyecanı ve eğlencesi ile son dönemin en iddialı komedilerinden.
Kutsal Damacana Kadrosu
Başrolleri daha önceden Şafak Sezer ve Eyşan Özhim'in oynayacağı bilenen filmde alt rollerde şöyle şekillendi.
Şafak Sezer (Fikret), Ersin Korkut (Asım), Eyşan Özhim (Deniz), Büşra Pekin (Selen) , Berivan Karaman (Aydagül), Erdal Tosun (Ganyancı), Yıldırım Memişoğlu (Artin), Settar Tanrıöven (Üfürükçü Hoca) Ercan Saatçi (Kaptan)
The Official Release of Slackware® Linux by Patrick Volkerding is an advanced Linux Operating System, designed with the twin goals of ease of use and stability as top priorities. Slackware Linux provides new and experienced users alike with a full-featured system, equipped to serve in any capacity, from desktop workstation to machine-room server. Web, ftp, and email servers are ready to go out of the box, as are a wide selection of popular desktop environments.
Slackware Linux is a complete 32-bit multitasking "UNIX-like" system.i It's currently based around the 2.6 Linux kernel series and the GNU C Library version 2.3.4 (libc6). It contains an easy to use installation program, extensive online documentation, and a menu-driven package system. A full installation gives you the X Window System, C/C++ development environments, Perl, networking utilities, a mail server, a news server, a web server, an ftp server, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, Netscape Communicator, plus many more programs. Slackware Linux can run on 486 systems all the way up to the latest x86 machines (but uses -mcpu=i686 optimization for best performance on i686-class machines like the P3, P4, and Duron/Athlon).
A full range of development tools, editors, and current libraries are also included for users who wish to develop or compile additional software. The Slackware philosophy demands ease of use, ease of administration, and open development; all are reflected in this carefully built and tested official 6-disc set.
The advanced Linux kernel on which Slackware is based performs superbly on high-end systems, with symmetric multi-processing support (up to 16 processors) and special optimizations for each Intel processor class.
Originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, the UNIX®-like Linux operating system now benefits from the contributions of millions of users and developers around the world. Slackware Linux provides new and experienced users alike with a fully-featured system, equipped to serve in any capacity from desktop workstation to machine-room server. Web, ftp, and email servers are ready to go out of the box, as are a wide selection of popular desktop environments. A full range of development tools, editors, and current libraries is included for users who wish to develop or compile additional software.
Following are basic system requirements:
CPU requirements: One or more 32 or 64 bit x86 CPUs (with one or more cores), which can be AMD, Intel, or any other fully PC-compatible x86 CPUs.
RAM: 48MB is required to install, and 1GB or more is recommended for best performance (especially if using a graphical desktop on the X Window System).
Disk space: almost 5GB (4.5GB) is required for a complete install, and more is always better.
Supported hard drives: Drivers are built into the kernel for all IDE, SATA, hardware RAID, and SCSI controllers supported by the included Linux kernel.
Here are some of the advanced features of Slackware 12.1:
Homepage - http://www.slackware.com
Size: 660 MB
Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows.
Fresh UI is organized by section for easy navigation and completed with detail descriptions for easy reference. Use it to troubleshoot your Windows problem.
Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows XP/2000/NT/ 98/95/Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you'll be glad to know, such as:
- Customizing Windows User Interface (UI)
- Optimizing system settings
- Optimizing hardware settings
- Customizing Windows application settings
- Controlling user environment with policies
May 2, 2008:
What's new: settings for thumbnail cache.
Homepage - http://www.freshui.com
Size: 1.47 MB
YoutubeGet is an all-in-one software designed to make quick and easy work to download Youtube videos and convert them. Offering a multitude of methods to acquire the video, this application has all the power you need while still remaining small and easy to use. After downloading videos it will auto convert FLV files to MP4, 3GP, AVI, WMV, MOV etc. Soon, you can see youtube videos on your MP4 or Cell phone.
YoutubeGet Benefits & Features
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After installing Windows Sound Schemes from Ultimate Extras, users can switch from Windows Default to Ultimate Extras Glass or to Ultimate Extras Pearl in the Change System Sounds item in Control Panel.
Download : Windows Sound Schemes for 32-bit (x86) Windows Vista All Editions
Download : Windows Sound Schemes for 64-bit (x64) Windows Vista All Editions
We have made available updated Language Packs for users using Windows Vista SP1 as well as those running Windows Vista RTM. For those running SP1, the Language Packs should be showing up for you under Windows Update.
The specific language packs which are being released are as follows:
Portuguese (Portugal)
Portuguese (Brazil)
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Download : Arabic
Download : Bulgarian
Download : Chinese (Simplified)
Download : Chinese (Traditional)
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Download : Portuguese (Portugal)
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Download : Turkish
Download : Ukrainian
FTP Now is a user-friendly FTP client. With the well-designed interface, it supports all standard ftp functions, plus Personal Ftp Manager, 100% download resuming, beat disconnection, and more. It displays detailed information about your download while you are downloading from a ftp site. You can even minimize it to the system tray during download or upload. Licence: Shareware.
Official site
Download: FTP Now 2.6.86 (1.78 MB)
A powerful tool for cleaning cobwebs of useless information clogging your system and reducing its performance, SBMAV Disk Cleaner searches for and deletes temporary files and folders created by Windows and other applications, as well as searches for invalid links to documents that have long since been deleted. SBMAV Disk Cleaner also finds useless uninstall software, disables/enables seldom used fonts, deletes cookies, and searches for and removes duplicate files. Licence: Shareware.
Official site
Download: SBMAV Disk Cleaner 3.26 (1.76 MB)
Sylpheed is an e-mail client and news reader based on GTK+ GUI toolkit, and runs on X Window System. The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express, Becky!, and Datula. The interface is also designed to emulate the Emacs-based mailers, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard. Supported protocols: POP3, IMAP4rev1, SMTP, NNTP, SSL/TLSv1 (POP3, SMTP, IMAP4rev1, NNTP), IPv6. Licence: GPL.
Official site
Download: Sylpheed 2.5 Beta 3 for Windows (5.26 MB)
Download: Sylpheed 2.5 Beta 3 for Linux (4.26 MB)
ChrisTV - The PVR that TAKES control OVER your TV Card - TV on your PC with High quality image and sound- developed by Chris P.C. srl for TV Tuners with WDM Drivers installed. Supports all TV Cards based on BT8x8 chipset, Philips SAA713x chipset, Conexant CX2388x, also works with any Capture Device like Webcams and Graphic Cards with Video IN. Great Image quality and very easy to use. Key Features : AVI Recording using any audio/video codecs installed on user's PC and MPEG Recording, advanced recording settings, Advanced Scheduler, Radio FM support, channel autoScan with fine tuning, customize each channel properties, support for dscaler deinterlace directshow filter, zoom feature, teletext, winlirc Support, Image Processing filters, image capture, mosaic with all your channels, slideshow, support for more than 25 languages. Licence: Shareware.
Official site
Download: ChrisTV 5.20 Lite (1.91 MB)
Download: ChrisTV 5.20 Standard (2.81 MB)
Download: ChrisTV 5.20 Professional (2.85 MB)
FantasyDVD is a exquisite and powerful software DVD player. Have with the same features and controls of the living- room DVD player and support over 70 type video and audio media files. Support the ts, tp, trp mpeg2 HDTV, wmv HDTV and mkv, mka, mks formats HDTV. Its advanced video and audio technologies deliver the highest quality viewing and listening experience possible on the PC.
FantasyDVD has a perfect DVD navigation system, rich audio and video effects, is stable and easy use, and can meet all the demands of DVD playing. Supports 2 - 7.1 channel audio output, dolby ProLogic, Dolby ProLogicII and SRS TruSurround XT audio output mode. Supports Low frequency effect (LFE), High frequency effect (HFE), 10 Band Equalizer, Echo\Delay etc.s expansion function.
Whether watching DVD movies on your laptop as you travel, using your computer as a second DVD player for your kids or watching a movie on your desktop as you work, FantasyDVD lets you get the most out of any computer with a DVD drive. In addition to all the features you find in your home entertainment DVD player, FantasyDVD gives you advanced functionality not possible on your living room DVD player, such as time-stretching, zooming and panning and thumbnail bookmarks. FantasyDVD allows you to customize your video and audio preferences for a personalized movie watching experience.
FantasyDVD automatically determines the type of disc in your DVD drive and uses the correct playback method for DVD titles, video CDs, or audio CDs. Play at normal speed, or fit the movie into the time you have available to watch it! Time stretching lets you decide how long the movie takes to view. If a DVD has it, FantasyDVD can handle it. FantasyDVD recognizes all of the author's DVD features and lets you access them through the FantasyDVD user interface.
FantasyDVD includes the following main features:
Optimize functions:
· Optimized for most updated CPUs and fully support MMX command sets for INTEL MMX, SSE, SSE2, AMD 3DNOW, 3DNOW PRO and has incorporated many up-to-date technologies like video hardware decode acceleration to endure high resolution picture playback.
· Advance core decoding algorithms: Utilize the new high performance CPU's capacity to reduce the blocky effect for obtaining the better video quality.
· Hardware decode acceleration enabling use of hardware moving compensation provided with VGA card.
· Offer high strength smooth playback by removing screen burrs and dithering.
Universal Player:
· To increase the compatibility with other video file format, FantasyDVD now supports the playback of Real Player file and even WMV-HD. which means FantasyDVD is able to playback a broad band of various video file format.
· Supports DivX, DVD (MPEG-2), VCD (MPEG-1), SVCD, AudioCD, MiniDVD, Mpeg2 HDTV, MWV-HDTV formats and over 70 type other video and audio media files.
Perfect playback control:
· Navigation slider allows a direct and instantaneous link to any scene.
· FantasyDVD lets you save the location of your favorite scenes, so that you can jump right to them. You can even create bookmarks at the beginning of each title chapter. FantasyDVD automatically remembers the last viewed location of a DVD.
· Broken-point Recording Function: With this function you are at your pleasure to setup broken point to watch what you are interested and replay automatically.
· Title repeat, chapter repeat, AB repeat function that lets you set your favorite scenes for instant repeat.
Rich Audio Effect:
· Features Multi-channel Environment Impression technology , an audio channel expansion technology that converts stereo sound to a multiple-channel output.
· Supports 2 - 7.1 channel audio output, dolby ProLogic, Dolby ProLogicII and SRS TruSurround XT audio output mode.
· Supports Low frequency effect(LFE), High frequency effect(HFE), 10 Band Equalizer, EchoDelay etc.s expansion function, according to own habit changes sound effect.
· Supports video/audio synchronization regulate, Make video/audio synchronize.
Rich Video Effect:
· FantasyDVD's improved color controls are like those on a standard television set. No more confusing settings. Everything is straightforward and easy to use.
· Smart aspect ratio, 4:3, 16:9, 1.66:1, various stretch, make you enjoy the DVD or media files and can acquire the best visual effect regardless.
· Digital zoom at 2X to 10X equipped with location indicator. zoom closer into the viewing area. Pan around within the zoomed are to see exactly what you want to see at exactly the level of detail you want to see it.
Time Stretch (Playback Speed):
· The time stretch feature helps you fit your movies into your schedule. For example, if you are viewing a title and need to be done at a certain time, you can speed up the playback slightly so that the title has completed by the best time for you. You can also slow the title playback down slightly in order to watch for details. With FantasyDVD's time stretching, you don't lose any of the of audio. Even with a play speed change, stereo is crisp and clear.
Play DVD Content from a Hard Drive:
· FantasyDVD lets you view DVD content stored on a device such as a hard drive or NAS appliance. Simply select the drive, folder, and the name of the .ifo (DVD format) file to begin playback. Select the folder containing the content, or create playlists containing all your personal DVD favorites.
Playing AudioCD:
· Why change players when you change discs? Play audio and video CDs with FantasyDVD. FantasyDVD detects the type of disc inserted into the drive and chooses the correct type of play. Full audio support is included with your FantasyDVD.
Image Capture:
· Capture still images of your favorite movies with the click of a button. Click once, and the current image is captured.
FantasyDVD Support the following media types:
· DVD Audio Files (*.ac3;*.dts;*.dtswav).
· DVD Audio Object Files (*.aob).
· DVD Video Object Files (*.vob).
· GZ-MC Music Files (*.mod;*.mdz;*.stm;*.stz;*.s3m;*.s3z;*.it;*.itz;*.xm;*.xmz;*.mtm).
· MPEG Video Files (*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.mpe).
· RealOne Media Files (*.ra;*.rpm;*.rm;*.rmvb;*.ram;*.rpx;*.rt;*.rp;*.smi;*.smil).
· MPEG1 Audio Files (*.mp1;*.mp2;*.mp3;*.mpa).
· MPEG1 Video Files (*.m1v).
· MPEG2 Video Files (*.m2p;*.m2v).
· MPEG2 HDTV Files (*.ts;*.tp;*.trp).
· MPEG4 Video Files (*.mp4;*.div;*.divx;*.avi).
· Windows Media Files (*.wm;*.wma;*.wmv).
· MIDI Music Files (*.midi;*.mid;*.rmi;*.kar).
· Waveform Audio Files (*.wav).
· OGG Audio File (*.ogg;*.ogm).
· AU Media Files (*.au;*.snd).
· AIFF Media Files (*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff).
· FLAC Audio Files (*.flac).
· Matrosky Files (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks).
· Monkey's Audio Files (*.ape;*.apl;*.mac).
· VideoCD Files (*.dat).
· Picture Files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif).
Features and Improved of include:
- Add MPEG2 HDTV Files (*.ts;*.tp;*.trp) Supports.
- Add Microsoft HDTV Files (*.wmv) Supports (need the windows media player 9.0 or Higher).
- Add Matrosky HDTV Files (*.mkv;*.mka;*.mks) Supports.
- Supports 2 - 7.1 channel sound cards and output on up to 7.1 discrete audio channels.
- Supports Surround/ProLogic, Dolby ProLogicII Audio Mode, Certified Dolby Virtual Speaker technology allows you to experience virtual surround sound through 2 speakers.
- Supports TruSurroundXT(tm) Headphone, based on SRS TruSurroundXT technology, provides an optimized headphone environment. It features TruSurround, Dialog Clarity Enhancement, and TruBass technologies that bring virtual surround and virtual bass experiences to your headphones.
- Special 10 Band Equalizer for DVD playback.
- Supports True Bass \ Treble Enhancer.
- Supports Karaoke features.
- Supports Dynamic Skins.
- Add Mouse Wheel and keyboard control.
- Fixed problem in exterior subtitle, supports unicode.
- Improved shortcut function, Better keyboard operation.
- Improved audio system, supports virtual space effect and virtual environment effect.
- Add X264 format Support.
- Optimized and improved operation of user interface.
Add the user define video aspect ratio features.
Homepage - http://www.fantasysoft-studio.com
Size: 6.08 MB