DC++ 0.706 Beta

3 Mayıs 2008 Cumartesi

DC++ is an open-source, ad and spyware-free client, written in C++ for the Direct Connect protocol originally developed by Neo-Modus.com, that allows you to share files over the internet with other users. Direct Connect allows you to share files over the internet without restrictions or limits. The client is completely free of advertisements and has a nice, easy to use interface. Firewall and router support is integrated and it?s easy and convenient to use functionality like multi-hub connections, auto connections and resuming of downloads.
Original and additional features over NMDC v1 (many now which have found their way into NMDC v2):
- Much more stable. It wastes less memory, is faster, file size is smaller and long queue wont freeze the whole program. Neo-Modus Direct Connect eats memory and resources.
- You can connect to many hubs at same time and search for files from all of them with same search.
- You can continue downloading the same file from other users if somebody leaves.
- You can see timestamps in the chat. Chat won't jump to end when you roll back old messages.
- Bot messages wont popup new windows, you can also filter bot messages off.
- No Ads.
- Search is more versatile.
- Hublist is downloadable from multiple servers/sources.
Features - Configurable:
- Automatically search for alternate download locations (0.173) - Allows DC++ to try to find other locations to download your files.
- Automatic Share Refreshing (0.172) - Every hour DC++ refreshes your share content.
- Use small send buffer (0.181) - If uploads slow down your downloads A LOT you may try this option.
- SFV checking (0.22) - Many downloads on DC contain an sfv file to check the integrity of a download. DC++ can on-the-fly calculate CRC-32 values for a file and compare it against the sfv file. If the check fails, the file is automatically downloaded once more from the same user and if that fails, the user is removed as a source.
- Rollback (0.11) - When resuming a file to ensure it contains no errors. If there is an error DC++ deletes rollback bytes and checks again.
- Write buffer (0.16) - Anti-fragmentation feature, DC++ saves every X bytes to keep fragmentation low.
- Language File (0.16) - A XML-file containing most of the text used in DC++. You can specify a file to have DC++ in your favorite language.
- Logging (0.163) – Log your downloads, uploads, and various chat windows.
- Network Statistics (0.300) - Go to the View menu -> Network statistics
- URL handler (0.18) – URLS of the type dchub:// to open in DC++ from your browser. Links in main chat with www, http://, or ftp:// automatically open in your default browser when double-clicked.
- Slot Closing (0.20) - If a user leaves the hub DC++ will close his slots, if the user is back within 10 minutes DC++ will grant him a slot.
- Anti-Fragmentation (0.241) - When downloading, it creates a file of the expected target size with unspecified content.
- Custom Descriptions (0.24) - Custom per-hub user description available for favorite hubs
- Selectable Hubs to Search (0.301) - You can choose which hubs you want to search in.
- ADL Search (0.24) - Tool for fast searching of directory listings downloaded from users
- User Country (0.402) - Show the users country abbreviation in the IP field
Changes in version 0.706, 2008-04-24:
* [L#202563] Fixed some missing translations
* Use setenv on unix (thanks yakov suraev)
* Fixed out of focus window when restoring from icon (poy)
* [L#203865] Fixed multiple instances (poy)
* Context-sensitive help (poy)
* Updated help files (poy, mikejj, emtee)
* Fixed toolbar separators (poy)
* Upgraded to bzip2 1.0.5 (thanks mikejj)
* Fixed background color of drop-down controls
* Fixed selection glitches
* Both up&downloads are disconnected if evil users quit (thanks poy)
* Add average share to status bar (thanks mikejj)
* Minor improvements to load / save dialogs
* [L#208917] Fixed menu background colors (poy)
* [L#208344] Fix about dialog up/down stats
* [L#209099] Fixed non-disappearing controls in search (poy)
* [L#208684] Made the Alt key work again for line history in hub window (poy)
* [L#209684] Fixed parsing of non-XML hub lists (poy)
* [L#205660] Readded hub column to transfers (thanks mikejj)
* [L#209277] Fixed crash on bad translation (thanks poy)
* More controls now use the font defined in settings (poy)
* [L#211164] Fixed bug when a new tab row is created while DC++ is minimized (poy)
* [L#211480] Fixed duplicated settings pages on bad translations (poy)
* Added the title of the currently selected page in settings (poy)
* [L#206785] Fixed a crash when a menu is owner-drawn while the desktop isn't visible (poy)
* [L#211313] Fixed bad virtual name being loaded (thanks kulmegil)
* [L#202801] Allow virtual folders to have the same name
* Allow more characters in virtual names
* [L#190015] Improved transfer speed averaging
* [L#212411] Fixed downloading multiple file lists (poy)
* Added filter already shared from search results (thanks smir)
* [L#206521] Fixed directory not being removable (thanks poy)
* Reduced resize flicker some
* [L#195209] Added various sound options (thanks poy)
* [L#211497] Segment size is automatically chosen depending on speed
* [L#209876] Added option to completely disable segmented downloads
* [L#209885] Fix antifrag not working as it should
* Anti-frag no longer optional - not using it was broken by segmented downloading
* [L#215779] Fix a few hub list download issues (thanks emtee)
* [L#195209] Changed tab order in hub windows (poy)
* Removed unused rollback option (thanks mikejj)
* Fixed PM history not showing the last line (poy)
* Queued field in connections no longer counts paused items
* [L#185722] Fix missing progress bars (no longer optional)
* Fix a crash when adding a favorite hub that already existed
* Renamed smartwin to dwt since by now it's very different from its roots
* Added some menu icons (poy)
* Updated several translations, we now have complete (or almost) Brazilian Portuguese, UK English, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, Norwegian, German and Spanish translations
* [L#210117] View user/hub online/offline status
Notes: After 0.705 being stable, this version comes up with the primary fixes required by people on launchpad, and it's getting closer and closer to the old interface functionality. Now, you can see if a hub/user is online/offline by the color of the icon, also the transfer color bars are back. You can now share multiple folders under the same virtual name ( mixes the files ). Among other multiple fixes, we hope this is the best DC++ version to the day.
Homepage - http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net
Size: 2.89 MB
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